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Before & After
Cosmetic Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic Veneers: The patient wanted to address the size, texture, shape, and color of the teeth. In this particular situation, these "no-prep" porcelain veneers were able to be done without any drilling on the teeth.
Single Anterior Implant

Dental Implants: Dental implants have become common-place to replace one single or multiple teeth. This patient wanted to replace her front tooth with a long-term, fixed option.
Multiple Implant-Supported Bridges

Dental Implants: This patient was going to lose most of his teeth. He wanted a natural-looking and long term solution that allowed him to keep some of his teeth. This was achieved by implant-supported fixed bridges.
Upper Non-Removable Implant Denture with Lower Removal Partial Denture

Upper Non-Removable Implant Denture with Lower Removable Partial Denture: This patient had upper teeth that had to be removed. We replaced his upper teeth with implants and a denture that is screwed into place. The patient then opted for a traditional removable partial denture for his missing lower back teeth.
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